DUE/WITH my unique ONENESS interests/focus where I AM USING THE BENIFIT OF THE .....
............... ALMIGHTY ........
I AM ....THAT IS IN ALL OF US .........................................
................................... TO SO CONNECT /RE-MEMBER/ KNOW .....................................
......................................... THY SELF IN WHAT EVER PATH .......................................
................................................."THIS" SO TAKES ME ..............................................&...THANKS TO YOU ALLOWING ME & or the "act there of" of attempting to place this "new to me" part of ME ....so called "alien" I-AM-A-WAKE-NOW personality (that I so desired to) ..... ALLOW ALL OF US (especailly me) to so .... BETTER SEE ..... as ALSO being... A PART OF US ALL:
So shown below:
THE FOLLOWING EVENTS OCCURRED "IN THE EXPERIENCE THAT I UNDERSTAND/FELT IT TO BE" in my "eyes closed"/ bed time sleep related DREAM EXPERIENCE (after two previous other "dreams/OBES"):
1) I was aware of being in a body that was being dragged/slid across what seemed to be a floor of some sort and perhaps a few stairs, yet still not being able to "see anything"..as I was being dragged...(and not in pain at all just aware of being moved so).....
2) Then suddenly I heard the sounds of a wide variety of childered making statements of .....
... ouuuu .... wow.... awe... etc... upon me becoming aware of a "stoping of my body in motion"....
3) Then suddenly I head from an "adult sounding female voice":
CLASS, THIS IS ... ANNIE/ANNE (can't recall exact pronuciation) AND WE WILL BE STUDYING HER TODAY.
4) Then suddenly (although I still could not see what was going on)... from the darkness of what I was trying to "look out of"... became much lighter (from within my head) as, what seemed to be from my persepctive, a hood being removed from my head to so cause the light to imporve........
5) Then, as I wondered who/what I was that was so being examined.... I saw a miror suddenly show at my self so as to see who/what I was being in this dream/OBE state.????
6) And then upon looking into the miror.... a "to me" "greenish" looking extra terrestrial was show to be ...(in this dream/OBE)..... ME ? ? ! ? ! ? ! ? !
Any who, I can not know exactly what to make of this "dream/OBE".... but good or bad my interests in EXPLORING FREINDLY GOOD NATURED "EXTRA-TERESTRIALS"......
.... IS NOW A VERY STRONG INTEREST OF MINE!!!!!!... and from my son pushing me to go to the Bookstore last night, I am now exploring the work of Stan Romanek's "MESSAGES" book new as of 2009. His book goes in to Stan's channeling with "these" particular "extra-terestrial".
Any who, if any one, such as LINDA, (who has done such explorations), has any suggestions on books and or particular FRIENDLY "extra-terestrials" and CURRENT PEOPLE CONNECTED TO SUCH EXPERIENCES...... FOR ME/US TO SO EXPLORE THE "SELF WE KNOW".......
..... PLEASE KINDLY PASS ON SUCH INFORMATION !!!!--------------------------------------------------------------------------
By the way..... NICE .... NEW.... EMOTICONS RE-UNITE!!!!