There is nothing for me to compare it to ReuniteR....I never smelled anything so pleasant. I went online did some research about hyssop. It is a flower and apparently you can buy them somewhere I assume and plant them where you want to....?
I will be looking into trying to buy some hyssop seeds as I want to try to grow them indoors I guess, since we are shortly going into winter here in the US.
There are other spices mentioned in the scriptures also, one called spikenard, which I do not know about and frankensense, all these were used in the anointing of Y'shua Messiah right after and even before his death.
I just cannot compare it ReuniteR to anything......although it does have a type of an oil smell, and I am not really to sure of what that might mean...??
There is a word for smelling something from the spiritual realm, I cannot remember it right now, but I will locate it and post it.
It is like hearing sounds from another dimension, it is real hard to explain in common words. I also heard sounds before from another dimension several years ago, that was just as awesome.
Here are the words associated with smelling something that is not there. There are 2 of them
The word phantosmia is a noun of Greek origin. It is composed of two words: (1) phanto meaning phantom and (2) osmia-Greek: osme meaning smell.[2]
The other word is what happened to me, it is called olfactory that is our smelling apparatus.
In my short research, they called it smelling hallucinations, and claim it is a psychological PROBLEM.....LOL the experts say I am crazy, and are showing signs of a mental disorder...LOL I wish the experts would tell me something I did not know....LOL.
I know it was from the spirit realm because it happened while singing praise to GOD MOST HIGH.....