Gabes and Rdude, you have both made twilight zone music play in my head LOL
Gabes I'm pretty sure you posted this thread on Saturday as I did read it and thought to myself "huh, did Gabes RV me or something ?" with a smile on my face!
In oz we had a federal election and we had to vote on Saturday which is always a drama for me in some form or another. This year the drama was that I realised on the day that I was not enrolled with my current address which corresponds to the seat I should be voting for. The other drama I have at the voting booth is how people from all the political party's try to hand out how to vote cards. The last time I voted I had some liberal scum pass a snide remark under their breath when I refused their flyer.
I spent about half an hour whilst pottering around the house thinking of ways to intelligently deal with these Vote Beggar's who like to tell you how to vote. I came up with many good comebacks in preparation of that walk. After all that fretting.....I realised that the best method to stop the bullshit vote beggars was to wear Sea-Shepherd Clothing (which I have a lot of LOL)
It worked a treat, both major party's were very apprehensive to hand me "their how to vote card". They did try I might add, but the "meek don't win the brave" sums up their efforts on me compared to other passers by LOL
The greatest event noting psi ability etc etc , is that I saw this thread AFTER the decision of my plight hatching up a plan LOL
Rdude... way cool!