wow to the lead in..... bold print is mineNovember Astrology
By Virginia Bell
The Saturn/Pluto Square – November 15, 2009
In 1994 Tony Robbins interviewed Deepak Chopra on his radio show, Power Talk. They were discussing health and Deepak was explaining how the body is constantly renewing itself. “In fact, we make a new body once a year,” he said. “We get new skin once a month, a new skeleton system every three months, even the brain cells you think with weren’t there one year ago.” “Then why do we keep recreating the same illness, Tony asked?”
He went on to say the following (and I’m paraphrasing). “Imagine that every year we get new bricks, mortar, windows, roof, etc. yet we keep building the exact same house. Why? Because even though we get new materials, we are still using the same blueprints.” In other words, until we change our basic core beliefs we will get the same results. Welcome to the first Saturn/Pluto square. On October 29 Saturn entered diplomatic Libra and on November 15 it will make a stressful square to Pluto in Capricorn. (There will be two others Saturn/Pluto squares in 2010; January 31st and August 21st). A square is an aspect of friction; some issue that’s been brewing has reached a crisis point; look at the houses that contain Saturn and Pluto. The truth is we’re ready to let it go and break an old limiting pattern, but we have to do the hard work of facing something difficult (Pluto) and taking responsibility (Saturn).
Extreme Home Makeover
With these two planets challenging each other it’s not merely about putting in new windows or painting the bathroom – it’s about renovating and restoring the underlying structure of the house – so to speak. What are the beliefs, values, superstitions, and stories you have built your life on? Do they support and empower you or hold you back? It’s time to take a hard look at the very foundation of your life.
Since 2008 we have experienced the opposition of conservative Saturn and rebellious Uranus along with Pluto’s entry into Capricorn (the sign that rules structures). This powerhouse trio has rocked our foundations; old structures and institutions have collapsed and the very things we once depended on (jobs, homes, retirement, etc.) have disappeared or been compromised. The ground has been cleared. The square between Saturn and Pluto suggest we can no longer keep straightening the deck chairs on the Titanic, individually or as a nation. It’s not about making small changes and tiny adjustments; it’s about creating a new set of blueprints. Are we going to rebuild the same old house (life) or are we going to construct something more organic, environmentally safe, and appropriate for our lives (and the world) at this time? Saturn and Pluto say we can and are here to help make it happen. It’s a dirty job but someone has to do it!
This is a major turning point for all of us but especially for those of you born in early Aries, Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn or have planets and angles in the early degrees of the cardinal signs. It will be more challenging for you but the good news is that you are coming into your full power so that you can inspire and lead the rest of us into this brave new world.
Enter Uranus – Going Rogue
Next year when maverick Uranus enters pushy Aries (on May 27), the stakes are raised. In late July and August of 2010, Saturn (in Libra), Pluto (in Capricorn), and Uranus (in Aries) along with Jupiter will form a T square, a stressful and confrontational aspect. A lot had been written about this period and many astrologers are calling it the Cardinal Cross or Cardinal Climax. Personally I prefer the Cardinal Breakthrough or what my friend, Irene Young, calls - the Great Correction. This implies that we are co-creators and not victims. The power is not out there but within each and every one of us. This dynamic period offers us an opportunity to make the necessary changes on the deepest level so we can create something in the outer world that truly reflects who we are inside.
In mid 60’s Pluto, Uranus, and Saturn came together to birth a new vision. Perhaps these three planets have joined together now to complete the task of putting the extraordinary expansion of consciousness seeded in the 60’s into practice. Pluto and Capricorn working together for the highest good have the power to anchor that energy. What an amazing time this is and what a privilege to be here! “Pluto in Capricorn is the code-the DNA and E=mc2 – that holds the secrets of how things are made. It’s entry into Capricorn, the sign of building form, puts us in the lab where we get to make fundamental changes in who we are and how we live.” – Jeff Jawer (The Mountain Astrologer, Oct./Nov. 2009)
The Scorpio New Moon – November 16
“A beginning always starts with an ending. “ William Bridges
Mysterious Scorpio is ruled by secretive Pluto. Both Pluto and Scorpio are associated with what is hidden, repressed, and buried, beneath the earth as well as in our unconscious. A new moon is a new beginning but the zodiac’s most intense sign exposes what is toxic and dying in our lives. Like Persephone who returns to the underworld at this time of year, we must release what no longer serves in order to go deep and embrace what is real.
“They tried to get me to rehab but I said, “no, no no.” –Amy Winehouse
The Saturn/Pluto square (exact on the November 15) dominates the chart of the new moon. In a sense the whole country should be in rehab right now; as a nation we are addicted to oil, power, plastic, and unnecessary luxuries. Unfortunately an entire country can’t go into recovery but the 12 Step Program is a good model for this Saturn/Pluto square and Scorpio new moon. We need to have the kind of fierce courage and humility that drives someone to enter a recovery program. That’s Pluto. We also need Saturn’s commitment and discipline to do the rigorous work of facing reality, taking responsibility, and doing the necessary inventory. Saturn and Pluto are demanding but if we are willing to work with them they can teach us how to walk our talk and live our truth.
“We’re all in the same boat in a very stormy sea and we owe each other a terrible compassion.” –G.K. Chesterton
A big part of recovery work is forgiveness. That is supplied by the rare ongoing conjunction of positive Jupiter, compassionate Chiron, and spiritual Neptune (in group oriented Aquarius). This trio of planets makes a square to the new moon suggesting that although it may be difficult it’s important not to isolate ourselves; the shelter and safety found in caring groups and communities can help us tap into the unconditional love and forgiveness so necessary at this time.
Brilliant and innovative Uranus (in visionary Pisces) makes a positive trine to both the new moon as well as to the karmic South Node (in nurturing Cancer) creating a grand trine in water. The North Node is involved as well; it makes a lovely sextile to the new moon and Uranus. This hopeful aspect provides the serenity to accept the things we cannot change (South Node), the courage (Uranus) to change the things we can (North Node) and the wisdom to know the difference.
Dear Friends, Have a healthy and healing Thanksgiving. My you be filled with grace and gratitude and may you appreciate all the big things in your life as well as the small miracles and daily victories. I will return at the winter solstice with an Astrology Café newsletter. You can visit me at my website:
www.virginabellastrology.comUntil then, remember you are loved, all is well. Virginia