got this in an e-mail today..and i don't usually prescripe to anyones way of things but i thought this was very well written and just might be of use to someone.....we are moving faster and faster and while we are all pretty aware here.. we also need to remember we can always use a little help from our friends HANDLING OUR GROWING PAINS AS OUR LIGHT EXPANDS
by Dawn Fleming
"The cause of all our troubles is self and separateness and this
vanishes as soon as Love and the great knowledge of Unity become part
of our natures." -Dr Edward Bach
Energetically speaking we are shifting quite quickly. I continue to
receive a lot of phone calls from people asking "What is going on?"
They complain because they feel out of sorts, irritable, angry,
restlessness, and lost. Several people stated that they did not feel
grounded, had no direction and experienced a sense of pressure in
their bodies and emotions. Others were sad for no reason, had boughs
of anger and feeling a deep need for change but not knowing where to
initiate that change. I find this time period filled with dichotomies
with what we would label as very good and very uncomfortable. What is
going on?
First of all as has been stated over and over again by many of us
teachers on the ascension path, there is more intense energy embracing
our planet today than ever before. This light energy is here to assist
us to wake up. What is occurring in mass, especially with Lightworkers
is that this energy is supporting us to release our blocks and to
expand our capacity to embody more light. We are releasing and healing
at a very fast rate never experienced before by any civilization. The
feelings of restlessness, irritability, etc., are all symptoms related
to the energy blocks that we are releasing-growing pains. We may not
even know what issues are surfacing for healing. We just feel at times
overwhelmed, angry or sad. Know this as a good thing. The energy is
being pushed up and out.
Remember about ten years or less when releasing issues meant having to
relive the old events. Massive healing of karma and emotional issues
on all levels is occurring in us right now. Today we are releasing the
energy of these issues without needing to revisit or relive it. The
higher energy cannot integrate and become a part of our field until
these energies are released.
The exciting part about all this is that we are experiencing deep
healing. Ridding ourselves of fear, lack, anger, and old issues that
keep us from being the Light that we are. We are removing the
separation that keeps us from knowing our Oneness and of knowing
ourselves as Love. As this higher energy immerses into our fields our
consciousness expands and we see life through a new lens.
What can we do with all this, you might ask. I know it makes us feel
uncomfortable. There are many things that we can do as individual to
assist this releasing and healing process so that the higher energy
can integrate more smoothly into our field. I highly recommend that
you receive an energy balancing treatment whether it is Reiki, Chakra
balancing, Acupuncture, Polarity Therapy, Theta healing or the like.
Even though you may be a Lightworker yourself, everyone can benefit
from taking the time to receive a session. The energy helps to release
the blocked up energies and to facilitate the expansion of your energy
field as it brings in the higher energies. It will bring calm to the
inner and outer storm around you. It will realign and balance you. You
will feel so much better as the memories of these uncomfortable
feelings disappear. It may take a few sessions depending on how much
you are releasing at this moment. Rest assured that this too shall
pass. But it can pass faster if you participate and do things that
will reduce the time that it takes to go through it and the intensity
of the process.
Another way to assist the process is to work with Bach flower
remedies. These remedies were developed by Dr. Edward Bach. They are
liquid drops consisting of flower remedies for emotional imbalances.
They are gentle, safe and natural and work in conjunction with herbs,
homeopathy and medications. They are safe for everyone, including
children, pregnant women, pets, elderly and even plants. These
remedies help to stabilize your emotions as you go through cycles of
releasing blocks.
Another approach to ease the discomfort as you go through a shift is
to change your mental focus to what you are grateful for. Align with
the energy of gratitude for all those little and big things that make
you happy. Think about the people that you are grateful for and shift
from gratitude to feeling the love that comes from your interactions
with them. Sit with this and align now in the love. When you align in
love you bath your energy field with this loving energy. This lifts
your field into a higher resonance, which makes the healing process
rather blissful instead of uncomfortable.
When you are out in nature do the same. Look around you and count your
blessings. Then take in the love that the Creator has for you as
nature's beauty and wonders are extended to you. Align with the love
until you feel yourself as love.
Love is what we are. Love is what we are moving toward. The path may
be filled with bumps as we let go, heal, and liberate ourselves. The
cycle of changes that we are experiencing individually and
collectively will continue. We can find joy and peace in the journey
as we apply methods that help us to find balance or we can continue to
run around as if we are deer in the headlights, too overwhelmed to
take control and find a smoother path. We can learn to live above the
noise and fly to new heights of consciousness. The choice is always
ours to make. I hope to see you on the highway to higher