ok..if you are just having some fun..forgive me for jumping in herewith these heavy shoes..to set the record straight
but this is the year of the ox...you know heavy load and all that
2008 was the year of the rat
2007 was the year of the dog...
the chinese new year ususally starts the same time as lent..first lunation of the year..
so that january in one year can actually be in the sign from the previous year
the signs go in a cycle of 12 years for the animal signs
rat - ox - tiger - rabbit (americanised as cat) - dragon - snake - horse - goat - monkey - rooster (somtimes refered to as cock)
- dog - and pig is the 12th sign
but there is more to it than that
there are five elements and positive and negitive polarity to each element
so that
rat feb 5, 1924 to jan 24, 1925 is a rat wood +
ox jan 25, 1925 to feb 12, 1916 is a ox wood -
going thur the five elements at positive and negitive (Or masculine and feminine)
takes time
the next wood postive would be 10years later and the sign would be dog
so you woudn't really have a repeat exactly for a long time
if you want to have some fun and a real quick combo go to this link
it is suzanne white who is one of the best at this combining of east and west