It's been awhile since anybody came to this part of the cupboard, so I thought I'd share this little ditty with you all.
I have 2 cats and just recently one of them got into a skirmish with another neighbourhood cat which must have had fleas. Hence my 2 cats got them too.
I've searched the net for an organic solution to this problem and hey presto! Flowers of Sulphur is the answer.
It's 100% organic and all you need do is put some in an old talc container or a flour dredger or something else like this with holes in it to shake the stuff onto the skin/fur.
Rub any excess in and as if by magic those little buggars run for the hills. In a matter of an hour or so, your little moggies will be flea-free.
It's really cheap to buy and it can be sprinkled around the house where the cats sleep/frequent and any other soft furnishings to keep them down.
Repeat every week for about a month, because once you have eliminated the actual live fleas, they leave behind eggs that hatch - so the cycle begins again.
If you wear silver rings/jewellery, then remove it first as the sulphur makes it go black and this cannot be removed.