I am always talking about GOD MOST HIGH and all those here know this. I cannot help but glory in who I believe to be the creator, and the person that took the time to help me not become destroyed by my own actions.
I am always thinking of ways to explain my love for GOD MOST HIGH for saving my life, and making me aware of a higher purpose set not only for me but for all of God's creation, which he says he made for his pleasure?
Wow, the person that made me, created me for his pleasure? That must mean GOD MOST HIGH knows more about me than I do, that must mean that GOD MOST HIGH has a thing he wants me to find out about myself? That also must mean that if he communicates with me, He God that his intention is for me to know about me as well as to know about Him, as it is a give and take situation in these matters.
If any of this is true, then I most likely should be in touch with GOD MOST HIGH in order to find out just what it is that brings Him pleasure, and how can I fit into that process of pleasure to Him, for not only His pleasure but for my peace of
mind and pleasure which brings about my being a seeker and a believer of Him.
It is a two way street, God killed his own son so I could find my real Father, God, and by this I might become gifted and have knowledge of why and who I am.
These things seem simple to me but it has taken over 30 years to "catch up with God" for his plan for me, so what is the plan for me? To know and understand the creator, become maxed out in my personal ability to communicate with God and others in perhaps saying something that may help someone find the peace of mind that has come to me?
Peace of mind is gifted to Gods children when they realize who and what they are.
All these things can be summed up by just looking at the greatness of the talent of musicians that has come into this world, the artists, the writers, the least of all of these are the common person, these are most often the most talented as they do what they do without fanfare, and the common denominator of all of this is the fact that GOD MOST HIGH created them all for his pleasure.
I don't know about you but that is awesome, and the maker of the puzzle is and must be even more awesome.