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 EVIL is afoot ......

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EVIL is afoot ...... - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: EVIL is afoot ......   EVIL is afoot ...... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Dec 20, 2012 10:55 am

malicious lies to shift the blame away from the guilty, eh, mic?
got it
roger that
10 - 4

seems like we should be saying the exact same thing, only
the other way around, mr bush
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PostSubject: Re: EVIL is afoot ......   EVIL is afoot ...... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Dec 20, 2012 11:04 am

bold is mine

Quote :
Now we're the good guys. We work extra hard not to get caught. However, they are caught. There is an Obama scandal that cuts deep. It's called Benghazigate. It's ten times bigger than Watergate and Iran Contra combined. In a nutshell Ambassador Stevens was whacked by his own. If you are new to my site take a look. Stevens knew everything. He was Hillary's translator. He was eliminated in another School of the Americas style classic. Obama had to change the programming. A school massacre covers both bases. You can ban guns and consolidate power and cover your crimes. Don't believe me. Ask Hillary. Oh yea. She doesn't work at the State Department anymore. Like Petraeus they are private citizens now. As private citizens they can plead the fifth in secret even.

full article here: Posted by George Freund on December 18, 2012 at 8:55 AM
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PostSubject: Re: EVIL is afoot ......   EVIL is afoot ...... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Dec 20, 2012 11:11 am

I like this one:

Quote :
I’m sick of hearing this nauseating, pointless moaning and sloppy emotional crap about the latest slaughter in Connecticut. I’m even seeing it in segments of this so-called alternative movement. “Let’s reflect on the terrible problem of growing violence in our country during this season” and blah blah blah.

How the hell do you think it got that way, to the extent that it’s even really true?

It’s staged! It’s engineered! It’s imposed on us! By the very ones accusing us of being violent and needing to be heavily policed and monitored and now disarmed and who knows what else!

Don’t you get it?

Never mind the absolutely outrageous hypocrisy, as they murder innocent children around the world in massive numbers. Where are the tears for them, you lying murderous hypocrites? Absolutely disgusting!

The Zen Gardener... lol, my kind of writer! See the full article here:
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PostSubject: Re: EVIL is afoot ......   EVIL is afoot ...... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Dec 20, 2012 12:00 pm

Posted on December 19, 2012 by willyloman
by Scott Creighton

(questions/observations after reading a washington post article)

Quote :
In an afterthought, the Washington Post article tosses this little tidbit of info into the article deep down on the second page:

Quote :
In Connecticut on Wednesday, Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D), the state’s former attorney general, said in an interview that the evidence is indicating a motive but that the investigation is in progress. He declined to discuss preliminary findings.

“Motive is an issue in the investigation,” said Blumenthal, but he said he did not know whether investigators “will make findings or reach conclusions that are reliable.”

“There is a complexity and difficulty to the investigation resulting from the unique circumstances,” said Blumenthal, who is in Connecticut attending funerals. “As to making public facts, there may be sensitivity to the grieving of families and the need to be respectful.” Washington Post

Let me see if I got that right:
* evidence is saying there is a motive
* but it’s a secret
* discovering a motive is import
* but he doesn’t know if they will reach conclusions
* or if those conclusions will be reliable.
* the complexity of the case makes it hard
* because it’s a psychological operation conducted by assets and not the dead patsy
* they can’t tell you the motive because it might hurt the feelings of the families

When you wish to talk about Orwellian doublespeak, that’s it folks. Right there. And it’s just tossed out there by the Washington Post without them even so much as blinking or blushing.

If I as a “conspiracy theorist” writer tried to get away with bullshit like that, there would be no readers here and I would have to get a job writing for Alex Jones.

I’m stunned at how “in your face” all of this is. stunned.


and who is the author, Scott Creighton?

Quote :
American Everyman was started in June of 2007 by me, Scott Creighton, as an on-line diary more than anything else, but as time went on it became an expression of change. My change.
It’s a collection of theories, writing, news, rants, doodles, and just jumbled up words stuck on a page floating in an eternity of “1″s and “0″s.
I focus on exploring the truth about what happened on Sept. 11th 2001, the plight of the Palestinian people, and the ever quickening tide of globalization (New World Order) in America. Sometimes these topics mean we look at current events, sometimes they require us to shake off what we have been taught about our history; what we have done to other people in other nations.
I do this now because I know these stories, these truths, may not survive the turning. Our nation looks to be on the verge of a totally new system of government – not socialism, not democracy, not even the constitutional republic which it was formed… but something else entirely. So I write these articles and post these posts in hopes that others will learn or start to.
American Everyman is just one of a diminishing number of websites dedicated to exposing what really lies behind the side show of politics and the artificial glory of our history.
What started out as simply a little personal journal of sorts has been viewed and accepted by many others and is widely read. I am very pleased with that.
I hope you enjoy the site. If you wish to give me a suggestion or just tell me off (you won’t be the first so at least make it unique), my email is below. Thanks for stopping by.
Scott Creighton – American Everyman

sounds fairly intelligent, not gullible to a fault - at least to me, anyway
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PostSubject: Re: EVIL is afoot ......   EVIL is afoot ...... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Dec 20, 2012 4:50 pm

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PostSubject: Re: EVIL is afoot ......   EVIL is afoot ...... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Dec 20, 2012 5:55 pm

He was living at that CIA training camp being brainwashed and fed meal worms.

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PostSubject: Re: EVIL is afoot ......   EVIL is afoot ...... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Dec 20, 2012 7:54 pm

I have no source at all I am afraid, just going with the information I have read and heard and something is friggin wroung with this whole scenario.

Now I am a mother of three and also a manic depressive and I gotta say eventhough I consider myself spiritual and do take my meds everyday because I can become bloody psychotic if I dont if one of my kids at 6 was killed this way I would be beyond everything. I would want to kill someone, dont blame me, this is just what I would do. I would want revenge, but revenge to who, ????????? who would I go after, the killer is supposedly dead.

ONE thing I know I definitely wouldn't do, is wait in friggin line with the press around me and try to get some tears into my eyes.

On the other hand I would probably have to be knocked out. I would be beside myself with a lot of emotion. I would want friggin answers and not bullshit.

So dont tell me there isnt more to this bloody story, that's bullshit people, just my opinion, that's friggin bullshit.

Once again lies, lies and more friggin lies.
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PostSubject: Re: EVIL is afoot ......   EVIL is afoot ...... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Dec 20, 2012 7:58 pm

Reunite wrote:

WTF shooter's mum killed in her sleep. Now its getting beyond a joke, way beyond anything we can imagine. This is bloody unbelievable.
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PostSubject: Re: EVIL is afoot ......   EVIL is afoot ...... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Dec 21, 2012 3:34 am

Biggles wrote:
I have no source at all I am afraid, just going with the information I have read and heard and something is friggin wroung with this whole scenario.

Now I am a mother of three and also a manic depressive and I gotta say eventhough I consider myself spiritual and do take my meds everyday because I can become bloody psychotic if I dont if one of my kids at 6 was killed this way I would be beyond everything. I would want to kill someone, dont blame me, this is just what I would do. I would want revenge, but revenge to who, ????????? who would I go after, the killer is supposedly dead.

ONE thing I know I definitely wouldn't do, is wait in friggin line with the press around me and try to get some tears into my eyes.

On the other hand I would probably have to be knocked out. I would be beside myself with a lot of emotion. I would want friggin answers and not bullshit.

So dont tell me there isnt more to this bloody story, that's bullshit people, just my opinion, that's friggin bullshit.

Once again lies, lies and more friggin lies.


You don't need to be suffering from depression to act the way you described. Every parent would have their hair on end by the time they even got to school, not stood there smiling for the camera and talking BS to it. You'd have to sedate me if this were me, I'd be running round like a headless chicken, not giving interviews.

You're absolutely right, this is BS from start to finish and each of these false flags gets more apparent and transparent than the last. This is why they're so easy to spot.

I still want to know who these teachers are too, most likely CIA operatives as I think the T. Wayne whatshisface is - the guy whole alleges he did the autopsies.

Utter BS. I still don't believe ANY children or adults died that day. The media told us they did, but it doesn't smell right to me.

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PostSubject: Re: EVIL is afoot ......   EVIL is afoot ...... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Dec 21, 2012 3:46 am

People don't just disappear off the face of the earth, so my suspicion is:-

He was some mind-controlled kid, high on some drug like Prozac or suchlike.

The PTW had their uses from him for whatever nefarious reasons only they know about.

He has been bumped off once his usefulness was exhausted and this is why nobody knows of his whereabouts anymore.

His name and picture have been used (like a patsy) because the dead can't answer back to tell the truth.

The rest of the story has been fabricated to bring in gun control laws.

Let's wait and see if any of this pans out. It won't be anytime soon, but just give it a couple of years once the fame has died down.
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PostSubject: Re: EVIL is afoot ......   EVIL is afoot ...... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Dec 21, 2012 4:52 pm

Quote :
Sandy Hook was a blood sacrifice. Evil gains power by doing this. They especially target children.

Look at the reports of Adam Lanza worshiping the devil, having a devil worshiping webpage, and posting on satanic websites and forums. (whether you believe this or not... it shows the direction this case is going and what kind of evil is behind it.)

"End the life of Adam"

Adam... the first man in the bible. This has meaning for them. It is why Adam was chosen.

You are facing demonic entities, dark powers, and their servants willing to spill blood for them. They are murders like their father the devil.

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PostSubject: Re: EVIL is afoot ......   EVIL is afoot ...... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Dec 22, 2012 3:22 am

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PostSubject: Re: EVIL is afoot ......   EVIL is afoot ...... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Dec 22, 2012 3:50 am

....and there's more.....what was I saying about Libor earlier? This video raps that theory up and puts it to bed nicely.

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PostSubject: Re: EVIL is afoot ......   EVIL is afoot ...... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Dec 22, 2012 6:43 am

Here is an interesting theory. Fodder to chew on anyways.

It clearly says "end the life of Adam". I know this because my headset by default is crazy loud and when I turn up the volume to full that "whisper" is basically a scream and it is very clear what he says.

Which brings up A LOT of questions about the official story (which already stinks about as bad as it gets)... remember everybody at first (including police) though the suspect was his brother Ryan due to the ID on the body being the only way at the time to identify the body (as the school altercation story involving Adam was retracted as it never happened... nobody at the school knew who Adam was).

I personally feel the man on the police scanner that says "Standby units in front of the school, we're conducting an interior search at this time. End the life of Adam." is the guy they found at the back of the school (in the woods, wearing camo pants and a black jacket which was detained by police as described by on scene witnesses) who's job I feel it was to keep the 2 "operatives" inside (which were both on duty police) up to date about the "other" police presence on scene in real-time... how many and where (keep in mind early responders were lacking at first... the majority of police didn't arrive for ~15 more minutes, at this point they only had a small number of police inside the school and another small group covering the front entrance).

So basically the way I see it from start to end...

There were at least 4 people total involved in this. Adam the patsy, 2 operatives (which are on duty "first responding" police on scene before the shooting), and the lookout/cleaner (which is to pass as a innocent by standard after the fact).

The basic jist of how i see it going down...

The lookout/cleaner arrives at the school before the shooting, he gains access to the school interior (possibly even hours earlier... hes in no rush as he will never be a suspect in the end (see later) so is likely buzzed in legitimately by school employees well before the shooting occurs for a valid reason). His first job is to open the "BACK" door of the school at a scheduled time. At the back of the school is 1 operative (dressed in a black jacket, camo pants & a mask) which is with the patsy Adam, and 2 of the 4 guns tied to this crime in some way (1 of the pistols and the AR). Operate 1 and Adam the patsy make their way into the school via the back entrance which the lookout/cleaner opens for them. The lookout/cleaner then waits by the back door with the patsy Adam, while operative 1 goes and waits outside the first target classroom for his signal (the front door breech).

At the same time operative 2 (also dressed in a black jacket, camo pants & a mask) forces his way into the front entrance of the school using 1 of the 2 remaining weapon (most likely the shotgun due to the entrance door glass being broken even though it was reinforced to withstand bullets). He then uses the pistol to shoot at the administrative staff (including the principle) killing/wounding several people. While this is occurring Operative 1 (hearing the signal) then goes into the first target classroom and using the AR shoots as many of the children as he can, and then moves to the 2nd target classroom and does the same. Meanwhile operative 2 (the one that forces his way through the front door) makes his way through the school to meet up with the other operative, the lookout/cleaner and the patsy in the hallway near the target classrooms.

Operative 1 then takes off his black jacket, camo pants & mask (he is wearing a police uniform under it) and puts it on the patsy Adam. Operative 2 takes off his black jacket, camo pants & mask (which is also wearing a police uniform under it) and gives it to the lookout/cleaner to wear (minus the mask). So now basically you have a complete switch. Adam now looks like op 1, the lookout now looks like op 2 (minus the mask)... as seen by witnesses in the school they assume it's the same person, and the 2 operatives now look like police. OK still with me?

The lookout/cleaner then takes the shotgun (which was only used to blow the front door open... which the cleaner doesn't know as he was at the back entrance at that point) and runs to Adam's mom's parked car and puts it in the trunk (assuming it wasn't needed in the crime and shouldn't be found at the actual scene... he's the cleaner it's his job is to make sure the evidence matches the crime which is what he thought he was doing). He also probably hid some other crucial evidence (such as the 2nd mask) in his own vehicle (as he will not be a suspect... I explain why later). Once the shotgun is in the trunk and all "unexplainable" evidence is "cleaned" the lookout see's the actual first responding police arriving at the scene (faster then anticipated). He then goes on the police scanner telling them that he's already inside and to "Standby units in front of the school, we're conducting an interior search at this time" making them wait at the front entrance (and are lacking manpower to surround the building as of yet). The lookout/cleaner then has to somehow signal the 2 operatives/police inside the school that everything is in place and to complete the final piece which is the death of the patsy. I feel they originally thought they would have time for the lookout/cleaner to physically run/walk back to the back entrance of the school and tell them in person after the "inconsistent" evidence was cleaned... but due to an above average first response time, was forces to do it over the airwaves (which is where the "End the life of Adam" comes in.

The 2 operatives which are now dressed as police still inside the building hear the message knowing the cleaner wasn't able to relay the message in person and that other police are already on scene use one of the pistols (the one that up to this point hadn't been used) to kill the patsy Adam Lanza and make it look somewhat convincing of a suicide. They then run away from the body through the school and act like they haven't been to that area of the school yet, and later meet up/blend in with the mass police presence which arrives a few minutes later.

Meanwhile the lookout/cleaner is just sticking around the general area (as fleeing would be more suspicious then anything), as he has nothing to worry about... the 2 first responding police (the 2 operatives which would be seen as the first police on scene) can vouch for the guy saying he wasn't part of the crime in any way (which is why he was able to be released so quickly).

-The lookout/cleaner drives away with "inconstant" evidence (extra masks, possibly extra gloves...) after being cleared to leave by police due to help from his 2 operative friends.

-The 2 operatives blend into the mass police presence that arrive shortly after and have a believable story to tell up to that point, to the point of even being able to sway/spin initial info due to being their first (which is possibly why originally it was reported to be was his brother Ryan... which would be a good stall tactic (especially since they just said "End the life of Adam" minutes before on the police scanner...)

-The patsy is found dead from apparent suicide dressed the same as the actual killer(s) & the 3 guns used are found with the body as expected (minus the shotgun thing which I honestly thing was an oversight on their part). From an eyewitnesses standpoint everything would "appear" to be correct... A perfect crime... well almost.

Just my 2 cent...

Last edited by micjer on Sat Dec 22, 2012 10:45 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: EVIL is afoot ......   EVIL is afoot ...... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Dec 22, 2012 9:20 am

A very likely story Mic.....
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PostSubject: Re: EVIL is afoot ......   EVIL is afoot ...... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Dec 22, 2012 5:20 pm

Looked at all the videos, thanks guys, what can I say.

Will this ever get to any court...............I know Im pretty dumb at times but I gotta ask this, do we know if all those little children are dead, that's the thing.

Adam and his mum are dead, but are all those kids, it makes my head spin.
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PostSubject: Re: EVIL is afoot ......   EVIL is afoot ...... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Dec 23, 2012 2:06 am

How do we know ANY people were killed that day?

We have names, but names and pictures can be fabricated/Photoshopped. (9/11 perfect example)

How do we know Adam and his mother were killed at the time of the shootings and not at some other time?

How do we know they are even dead at all?

We only have what's been told by the media. The media are notorious liars and anything they tell us has been given to them almost in script form from higher up. They can do this because it's all pre-planned, so the info is ready at hand.

There's so many holes in this, I still cannot believe that this isn't some acted out 'drill' just to bring in gun control.

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PostSubject: Re: EVIL is afoot ......   EVIL is afoot ...... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Dec 23, 2012 10:26 am

Here's interesting...

On this page from David Icke's site, somebody going by the ID Pinochio about 6 posts down has put the page from Facebook up from the Google cache.

It has the comments made by people who were up to speed with the Sandy Hook shootings.....wait for it.......

FOUR days BEFORE it happened!!!

Of course all the comments have since been removed. Whodda thought it huh??


EVIL is afoot ...... - Page 2 Bs_utt10
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PostSubject: Re: EVIL is afoot ......   EVIL is afoot ...... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Dec 24, 2012 7:45 am

At 30:15 into the video link posted below, an officer asks for a license plate to be run.

"872 YEO"

Then at 30:40 Dispatch comes on and spells his name - Christo­pher A. Rodia. It's a bit garbled but then gives his birth date Aug 6 '69.!

There is a Christo­pher A. Rodia in Connecticut, born in 1969. If you Google his name you will find an article from February 2012 about him stealing copper

Here's a video of the police taking a gun out of the trunk.!

EVIL is afoot ...... - Page 2 Car-1_zps1713f379

Last edited by micjer on Mon Dec 24, 2012 7:55 am; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: EVIL is afoot ......   EVIL is afoot ...... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Dec 24, 2012 7:47 am

I am not convinced that there were no body killed. Here is a summary written on ATS that I am in agreement with so I thought I would paste it here.

Quote :
Claim 1) The entire event was staged, no one died.
answer)The first thing that needs to be answered with this claim is something that has been outright ignored, many times, by those who make the claims. How does it possibly make sense that some 'agency' would decide to create this event, and would decide it was a better option to stage the entire thing, that is, have 28 fake dead people, many more family members, and hundreds of responders, all in on it, than it would be to have a merc go in and actually do it, thus creating an ACTUAL event?

IF this is some conspiracy, there is absolutely NO logical argument as to why they would fake it instead of having somebody actually do it. Why leave a trail of people who know it is fake, when you could just send a merc in to do it?

Claim 2) The parents are actors:
Answer) Simple, no, they are not. There is ZERO evidence to support this claim. The best that they have is a video of Emilie Parker's father smiling before he goes on camera. People who support this claim obviously have no experience with grief. They obviously have no experience in a tragic situation. Being in a tragic situation does not mean that one does not try to find single moments where they can smile. It does not mean that they cannot laugh at a joke. It does not mean they cannot give a nervous smile before addressing a tv crowd of millions. And that is not to mention that it is HEAVILY documented that a smile is often an involuntary reaction in times of grief.

Furthermore, the 'getting into character' argument holds no water. Any person with even the slightest acting training can tell you this. An actor does not wait until seconds before they start talking to get into character, especially when they know the camera is already on. Very basic stuff.

Claim 3)We saw no bodies, so it must be a movie set.
Answer) Does this really even need to be answered? Do you expect them to trot dead children out there for the whole world, and their families, to see?

Claim 4) Emilie Parker appears in a picture with obama after her death.
Answer) No, she doesnt. There is NOTHING about that picture that proves that Emilie Parker is still alive. What is proven, is that her siblings look a lot like her, and we KNOW they have matching dresses. There is not one single bit of evidence to prove that that picture is Emilie Parker.

Clam 5)Nobody on here knows anyone affected by that day.
Answer)False. I do. Others have stated as much as well.

Claim 6)Sotos facebook page already existed:
Answer: False. Even the creator of the page says flat out that it was a page that was re-appropriated to the topic after the fact.

Claim 7)LIBOR scandal
Answer: Two words: Sorcha Faal.

Any others that need to be added to the list?
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PostSubject: Re: EVIL is afoot ......   EVIL is afoot ...... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Dec 24, 2012 10:07 pm

here's a vid w/background on the neighbor who said
6 litle kids came from the school and say at end of his driveway and
then he took them inside for awhile and then he took them to firehouse ...

um, questionb

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PostSubject: Re: EVIL is afoot ......   EVIL is afoot ...... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Dec 24, 2012 10:17 pm

now, compare with these various (scripted?) interviews with msm

credit goes to this poster, whose comments are here:

Last edited by WineHippie on Mon Dec 24, 2012 11:06 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: EVIL is afoot ......   EVIL is afoot ...... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Dec 24, 2012 10:24 pm

another great post .... duplicated here, source at bottom

Quote :
Were the Sandy Hook "shootings" a staged "event", or a "drill", perhaps a PSY-OP similar to The Truman Show or in Wag The Dog? Before anyone gets "offended" I suggest they watch all the videos below very closely. They will see that everyone interviewed is "acting" very strangely and things do NOT add up. It is possible that NO ONE ever got hurt.

Also, check out a thing called "Vision Box", where actors are hired to play roles in emergency situations. Very interesting...hmmm.

1. Does this appear to be a terrified, scared, or even shaken child or family?

2. School teacher, Victoria Soto's Memorial page was created on Facebook 4 [FOUR] days before the "Shooting" at Sandy Hook allegedly occurred.

3. Now see the medical examiner: If this guy doesn't give you the creeps. Yes, John Goodman, would have done a better acting job.

4. Bad acting, (he's using the Meisner Method) from a guy who doesn't even exist: (notice how he "gets into character" just before the cameras start rolling) the Meisner Method sucks by the way.)

5. NOTE: This "witness" is shaking his head continuously side-to-side as he gives his testimony, which means, "I'm lying, I'm lying...". Watch this one all the way to the end.

6. Emergency? Why are fire trucks and ambulances blocked in? Why all the smiling faces?
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EVIL is afoot ...... - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: EVIL is afoot ......   EVIL is afoot ...... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Dec 25, 2012 4:26 am

Good work guys, thanks for the links. xxoo
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EVIL is afoot ...... - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: EVIL is afoot ......   EVIL is afoot ...... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Dec 25, 2012 7:41 am

Keep digging. good job
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EVIL is afoot ...... - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: EVIL is afoot ......   EVIL is afoot ...... - Page 2 Icon_minitime

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