It is a shame how the military does this to people. I could only listen to 32 minutes of it before I had to move on. The level of confusion this lady is experiencing is remarkable. As I listened to this it reminded me of a severely traumatized soul, trying to put a puzzle together about events that happened to her, and make sense of it while explaining the puzzle.
I am amazed at the level of confusion simply because of her traumatized mental condition.
Again it reminds me of the description God uses in the Bible concerning what God calls Babylon, which means confusion, this is a great example of the ruling class of this world using up souls, and then discarding them after their abuse.
I feel for this lady, while at the same time I cannot understand how anyone would put up with this abuse for a moment? How does a person just do what other people tell them to do when the orders include taking shots that she obviously knew nothing about what she was taking.
Where does trust like this come from, that a person would just do everything they are told to do no matter how bizarre the orders might be??
It seems that because of her following along willfully makes these things possible, then there are many of the "gaming generation" that find this appealing, and hey it's like a video game, which she referenced several times.
This is also evidence to me that the generation we are now living with are radically unstable in their basic understanding of what decent behavior actually means.
They remind me of ships without a rudder, clouds pushed about by any wind in any direction at any time.
These types of people make the hippies and radicals of the sixties look like conservatives.....
What a shame to be so lost and confused from reality.
What a telling video.