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Topical pain relief, detoxifier, massage oil and healing in one.
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Soothex is an all-versatile topical pain reliever and anti decongestion. Soothex is for external use only. Soothex is an oil with strong anti inflammatory properties. When applying Soothex in the tissues, on the spots where your pain is the follow effects will happen:
1. Soothex increases oxygen right at the spot.
2. Soothex helps to eliminate toxins.
3. Reliefs pain
4. Improves circulation.
5. Diminishes swelling
Soothex works where you need pain relief. Soothex has no side effects.
Soothex helps to detoxify, topically. Massage Soothex as often as you wish.
With chronic pain: use Soothex at least every 3-6 hours or more and possible as often as every 15 minutes especially with acute onset.. You cannot overdo Soothex in comparison with anti-inflammatory or other medication.
Soothex consist of olive oil with cayenne extract and rosemary and oregano. All anti-inflammatory herbs.Soothex relieves: Back pains, contusions, sprain, headaches, neck pain, arthritis, gout, musculature pains, and bruises.
As it brings oxygen to tissue it is said to be beneficial for cancer, says Prof Chi Tang HO.
Chi-Tang Ho, Ph.D., professor in the Department of Food Science at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey did research on applying topically rosemary oil on the skin of experimented animals to reduce cancer. He found a reduce risk for cancer in the animals who received rosemary on the skin the animals who did not receive rosemary oil. Researchers at the University of Illinois in Urbana researched that rosemary cut by half the incidence of breast cancer in animals at high risk for developing the disease. If this counts for people is the question not yet researched. To apply it in the form of the herb internally and the oil externally will help us any now. For more info: Order now at our all secure shoppingcart