but i wanted to clobber him....the dog that is
that standard poddle that i had wanted for sooo long and finally got
that dog who now thinks his name is BAD DOG !!!!!
cause that is what i am always yelling at him
sigh ...sigh..sigh.
he is loving and affectionate and if you didn't have to live with him
i am sure you would just hug him up...he's that cute
but he has a dark side
a side that i thought was just puppy stuff
well the liltte ****** hit a year on nov 15 and the puppy stuff hasn't stopped
i don't think he has any tastebuds cause he will consume absolutely anything
or cart it off then chew on it...grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
he's extremely mouth-y
he's also very agile and stands up and can reach top shelves..
yeah..able to leap tall buildings..that's him
yesterday morning i went for the mail and looked back at the front yard
there was a line of stuff he had absconded with and just left lay
i came in and got my camera...cause i know no one would believe it
without seeing it
evidence ..objects in the yard
item one for your inspection...a landscape tie
where it was dragged from
item two in his row of collectibles
it's a peice of junk brass that i have sitting on top of another piece on top of
a closed bird bath....the bird bath is 36 inches then another 6 for the overturned part
then an 14 inch piece and this on top
it's cold metal for cryin out loud..not normal dog bait
and where it came from..in the front flower bed....that also has craters from his exploration of
the root system of flowers...grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
and item number three
what's left of a pupmkin that was on the porch
he wouldn't look at me as i snapped pics of his latest collection
that was just yesterday's toll..this morning as i past the window to get to the computer
there he sits..out on top of my flower mound..with his side kick..
checking out the terrain for what they can destroy or carry off next...
and i yelled out the window for them to get off of there
and oh crap what's he got NOW..!!!
so here little brown nose..after digging who knows what..AGAIN....
he has survived to cause mayhem again
i think i'll let him live for his story value..but dang